Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I started my morning around 4:30AM with a strawberry, almond milk, and whey protein smoothie. It was quite filling. After that I hopped on my recumbent bike for a 30 minute all out ride. Followed that with 45 minutes of a yoga DVD I’ve been trying to finish without stopping for a rest. Only one rest break today – yay.

I'm hooked on Davidson's Tea. My favorite flavor is Rooibos Spiced Chai. There's something so relaxing about holding the warm cup in your hands and slowly sipping the warm spicy brew. That's what I've asked for for Christmas - a box of tea bags in that flavor. Before I eat dinner in the evening I have a cup and drink it slowly over about half an hour. It helps me to slow down my eating and fills me up, too.

I’ve got to get a camera so I can put pictures up here. My daughter is supposed to be bringing me one on Friday. Can’t wait to try it out.

More later…

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